stdtools, my pygame-based game library, is moving along smoothly. I have implemented a bit more sane GUI elements (buttons, menu's) that all work through my event system. The package structure is still a mess, but I will attend to that eventually. I also have plans for some documentation, which will require me to rewrite a lot of the docstrings and organise it in a sane way. I will do that shortly as well.
The new pygame version 1.8 came out recently, which means a lot of new stuff to work with. Of particular interest are the video and mask packages, the first one of which enables video playback (obviously) and the other one can be used for fast pixel-perfect collision detection. I haven't downloaded it yet, but the documentation is up and it looks promising.
I recently saw this google tech talk by Linus Torvalds, about the Git source control management system. I was intrigued, and wanted to try it out. So the stdtools package is as of now on a Git repository. The repo Isn't publicly accesible yet, since I don't have a good place to put it. I'll ask my father (who is in charge of the network here) if I can put on our server. Then everyone will have access to the latest bleeding-edge development code.
I've included a little screenshot of the pong game I'm developing with my library. It's main use is to test the features available, to see if the library is pleaseant to work with and get a better picture of necessary features.
P.S.: I should note that the menu is mostly there to show off the possibilities. None of the buttons work, except for 'new game' and 'quit.'
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